Prof. Ass. Dr. Bashkim Rrahmani 

Project Coordinator and Lecturer

Prof. Ass. Dr. Mentor Lecaj



Prof. Ass. Dr. Bashkim Rrahmani

Bashkim Rrahmani is an expert and professor at the “AAB College” – Faculty of Public Administration and the Faculty of Law, with an experience of more than 10 years in teaching. He has completed his bachelor studies in Law in the University of Pristina. He then continued his master studies at the London Metropolitan University and later on obtained a doctoral degree at the European University in International Public Law. His publications include papers, chapters, and monographs emphasizing International Law and the EU Law and their role in the modern world; constitutional protection of human rights and international human rights especially minority rights; EU integrations; Constitutional control, public administration, etc.

Prof. Ass. Dr. Mentor Lecaj

Mentor Lecaj is a PhD of Law sciences with specialization in International Law and with a long experience in teaching and research. From 2014, he serves as Vice Dean on the Faculty of Law where he also teaches the subjects: International Law, European Law and International Organizations. He has published several articles, such as: Tolerance and Minority Rights in Republic of Kosovo, UN Success In maintaining Peace and Global Security, Challenges of building modern and democratic state of Iraq, The Role of UN Charter in Peace and Global Security of Law, North Korea’s and Iranian Nuclear Program Comparative approach, Analysis Of Party Motives Interested In Iran’s Nuclear Program.

“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.”