Prof. Ass. Dr. Donat Rexha

Project Coordinator and Lecturer

Prof. Ass. Dr. Mentor Borovci


Prof. Ass. Dr. Pranvera Dalloshi


Prof. Ass. Dr. Bashkim Rrahmani



Prof. Ass. Dr.Donat Rexha

Donat Rexha completed his doctorate at the Faculty of Business and Economics, South East European University (SEEU). He completed his basic studies and his master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics of the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), where he has a great influence in the state of Malaysia. Donat since 2012 is Professor at AAB College at the Faculty of Economics in Macroeconomics and Public Finance and for 6 years has been the student coordinator of the Faculty of Economics.

Dr.Sc. Mentor Borovci

Mentor Borovci is Doctor of Science in International Law. Currently he is working as Lecturer of “Public International Law” in AAB College. He is also acting as the Director of the Legal Office in the Office of the Prime minister of Kosovo. He has also worked as the Director of the Legal Department in the Ministry of Justice. He has served as Lecturer in different public and non-public universities in Kosovo, including the University and Prizren, University of Gjilan, ISPE College, Humanistic College,

Dr.Sc. Pranvera Dalloshi

Pranvera Dalloshi is a professor at th  “AAB College”- Faculty of Economic lecturing mainly about Operational Management and Process and Information Management. She has an experience of more than 12 years of financial reporting on banking industry. She is an expert of International Financial Reporting Standards interpretation and application. She is also engaged in the private sector as an Operational Manager of a company who trades manly with products produced in EU, so she is completely dealing with EU brands requirements regarding product European Standards for product requirements.

Prof. Ass. Dr. Bashkim Rrahmani

Bashkim Rrahmani is an expert and professor at the “AAB College” – Faculty of Public Administration and the Faculty of Law, with an experience of more than 10 years in teaching and lecturing. He has graduated Law at the Pristina University; finished post- graduate studies at the London Metropolitan University and gained a doctoral degree at the European University, profile: International Public Law. The publication list contains papers, chapters, and monographs emphasizing International Law and the EU Law and their role in the modern world; constitutional protection of human rights and international human rights especially minority rights etc.

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